Damon Runyon Researchers

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Iva A. Tchasovnikarova, PhD

Dr. Tchasovnikarova [CRIS Cancer Foundation Breakthrough Scientist] is investigating the role of chromatin remodeling in epigenetic gene silencing by the recently discovered HUSH complex. Her research aims to delineate how heterochromatin formation is achieved through the concerted action of heterochromatin-associated proteins, heterochromatic histone modifications, and ATP-driven chromatin remodeling. As heterochromatin formation has been shown to be associated with oncogenic events, her future work will define general principles that could be exploited to design cancer therapies aimed at heterochromatin dysregulation.

Project title: "Fluorogenetic interrogation of chromatin position effects"
Institution: The Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge
Named Award: CRIS Cancer Foundation Breakthrough Scientist
Award Program: Dale Frey Scientist
Cancer Type: All Cancers
Research Area: Chromatin Biology