Damon Runyon News

October 11, 2019

In September, first- and third-year Damon Runyon Fellows came together from their separate labs around the country at the Annual Fellows’ Retreat. Held in Southbridge, Massachusetts this year, the Fellows took the opportunity to network, share ideas and get professional advice from leaders in all fields of cancer research. Third-year Fellows, who are nearing the final year of their Fellowships, presented research talks and received valuable input from their peers. The evenings were filled with lively discussions during the poster sessions presented by first-year Fellows. These interactions allowed participants to get to know one another and build bridges that may lead to future collaborations. Alumni speakers William C. Hahn, MD, PhD, from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and L. Stirling Churchman, PhD, from Harvard Medical School, provided illuminating talks about their cutting-edge research and career trajectories. Fellows agree that the retreats are a highlight of their Fellowship and provide support at a critical time when they are launching careers.